The Swedish Kennel Club
For over four years I've been doing the illustrations for The Swedish Kennel Club's magazine Hundsport. I'm so grateful to have them as a client and I enjoy looking back on the work I've done. When I started working with them I was pretty new in the industry and I think it's fun to see the progress I've made as an illustrator. My work isn't as rough as in the beginning and I thought it could be nice to show you the journey I've been on so far with them as a client. Starting with the early work. 

A very important thing working with SKK is to do your research on the different dog breeds so the dog illustrations are correct in their anatomy, which can be very challenging. But very satisfying when you pull it off. 

Year 2020

Year 2021

Year 2022

Year 2023

Year 2024
As you can see it's been quite a journey! In the last illustrations they wanted me to have a more desaturated color palette. That was also kind of a challenge since I absolutely love bold colors. But I think it turned out pretty nice anyway :)

If you want to see more of me and my work you should go follow me on instagram or visit my website
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